ArgoCD: users, access, and RBAC

ArgoCD users management, and access permissions with RBAC. Dedicated access to namespaces with ArgoCD Projects, and authorization tokens.

ArgoCD: users, access, and RBAC

ArgoCD has two types of users — local, which are set in the argocd-cm ConfigMap, and SSO.

Below, we will speak about local user management, and in the next chapter will see how to integrate ArgoCD and Okta, because local users can’t be grouped in groups. See the documentation on the Local users/accounts page.

For any users, their permissions can be configured with roles, that have policies attached describing objects to allow access to and operations that users can perform on.

With this, access can be configured globally per cluster or dedicated to Projects.

Let’s start with adding a simple local user, and then step by step will configure the rest.

Users and roles in ArgoCD

Adding a local user

To add a local user, edit the argocd-cm ConfigMap and add a accounts.USERNAME record:

apiVersion: v1
  accounts.testuser: apiKey,login

With the apiKey here we've set that the user can generate JWT-tokens for their authentication, see Security, and with the login - allow this user to use ArgoCD Web UI login.

Save, and check the users' list:

$ argocd account list
admin true login
testuser true apiKey, login

The admin user was created during the ArgoCD instance setup, and it has no ability to use tokens. This can be configured by setting this user in the argocd-cm, although it's recommended to disable the admin user after adding all necessary users.

In general, the idea is to have users for the Web UI access, and project roles_ _— to get tokens that can be used in CI/CD pipelines.

The testuser was just added by us, and currently, it has no password set.

To create a password, you need to have the current admin’s password:

$ argocd account update-password --account testuser --new-password 1234 --current-password admin-p@ssw0rd

Password updated

Not the best solution, but as is. See the Unable to change the user’s password via argocd CLI discussion for details.

Now, log in with the testuser:

$ argocd login dev-1– --username testuser --name testuser@dev-1–
‘testuser’ logged in successfully
Context ‘testuser@dev-1–’ updated

Check local ArgoCD CLI contexts:

$ argocd login dcontext
admin@dev-1– dev-1–
* testuser@dev-1– dev-1–

Okay, now we are under the testuser.

Roles and RBAC

By default, all new users are using the policy.default from the argocd-rbac-cm ConfigMap:

$ kubectl -n dev-1–18-devops-argocd-ns get configmap argocd-rbac-cm -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
policy.default: role:readonly

ArgoCD has two default roles — role:readonly, and role:admin. Also, you can set the policy.default with the role: '' to disable access at all.

At this moment, our user can view any resources:

$ argocd cluster list
[https://kubernetes.default.svc](https://kubernetes.default.svc) in-cluster 1.18+ Successful

But can not create any new, for example, try to add a new cluster:

$ argocd cluster add config-aws-china-eks-account@aws-china-eks-account --kubeconfig ~/.kube/config-aws-china-eks-account@aws-china-eks-account
INFO[0002] ServiceAccount “argocd-manager” already exists in namespace “kube-system”
INFO[0003] ClusterRole “argocd-manager-role” updated
INFO[0004] ClusterRoleBinding “argocd-manager-role-binding” updated
FATA[0006] rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = permission denied: clusters, create, [https://21D***,](https://21D***,) sub: testuser, iat: 2021–05–12T14:03:12Z

“permission denied: clusters, create ” — aha, it can’t.

To allow the user to add clusters, edit the argocd-rbac-cm ConfigMap, add a new role:test-role with the clusters, create permissions:

  policy.default: role:readonly
  policy.csv: |
    p, role:test-role, clusters, create, *, allow
    g, testuser, role:test-role

Check it:

$ argocd account can-i create clusters ‘*’

And add a cluster:

$ argocd cluster add config-aws-china-eks-account@aws-china-eks-account --kubeconfig ~/.kube/config-aws-china-eks-account@aws-china-eks-account
INFO[0001] ServiceAccount “argocd-manager” already exists in namespace “kube-system”
INFO[0002] ClusterRole “argocd-manager-role” updated
INFO[0003] ClusterRoleBinding “argocd-manager-role-binding” updated
Cluster ‘https://21D***' added

But what to do, if you want to allow namespace actions? RBAC in the ConfigMap doesn’t allow this.

For example, in my current project, we have Web developers, backend developers, and they all have different applications that are deployed in different namespaces, and it’s a good idea to separate their access, so the Web team will not affect Backend’s team resources.

ArgoCD Projects

And here “Projects comes to the rescue”!

Projects allow specifying access for namespaces, repositories, clusters, and so on. And then, we will be able to limit every developer team by their own namespaces only_._

Let’s check how this is working.

So, during an installation, ArgoCD created the default project:

$ argocd proj list
default *,* * */* <none> <none> disabled

Projects are Kubernetes Custom Resource objects with the appproject type:

$ kubectl -n dev-1–18-devops-argocd-ns get appproject
default 166d

And can be created with a common Kubernetes manifest like this:

kind: AppProject
  name: example-project
  namespace: dev-1-18-devops-argocd-ns
  - group: '*'
    kind: '*'
  - namespace: argo-test-ns
    server: [https://kubernetes.default.svc](https://kubernetes.default.svc)
    warn: false
  - '*'

Or with the ArgoCD CLI:

$ argocd proj create test-project -d [https://kubernetes.default.svc,argo-test-ns](https://kubernetes.default.svc,argo-test-ns) -s [](

Check it:

$ argocd proj list
default *,* * */* <none> <none> disabled
test-project [https://kubernetes.default.svc,argo-test-ns](https://kubernetes.default.svc,argo-test-ns) []( <none> <none> <none> disabled

Now, let’s move an existing application guestbook from the argo-test-ns to the new project:

$ argocd app set guestbook --project test-project

Check it:

$ argocd app get guestbook
Name: guestbook
Project: test-project
Server: [https://kubernetes.default.svc](https://kubernetes.default.svc)
Namespace: argo-test-ns
URL: https://dev-1–
Repo: [](

Now, let’s check how the namespaces limit is working.

When we created the project above, we set the destination —  https://kubernetes.default.svc,argo-test-ns.

Try to create a new application in this project, but set its namespace as argo-test-2-ns:

$ argocd app create guestbook-2 — repo []( — path guestbook — dest-server [https://kubernetes.default.svc](https://kubernetes.default.svc) — dest-namespace argo-test-2-ns — project test-project
FATA[0001] rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = application spec is invalid: InvalidSpecError: application destination {https://kubernetes.default.svc argo-test-2-ns} is not permitted in project ‘test-project’

“application destination {kubernetes.default.svc argo-test-2-ns} is not permitted in project ‘test-project ” — cool! With the testuser permissions in the test-project Project currently, we can’t add an application to a new namespace as the Project has a limit on the destinations.

Update the project and add a new destination — the same cluster, but another namespace argo-test-2-ns:

$ argocd proj add-destination test-project [https://kubernetes.default.svc](https://kubernetes.default.svc) argo-test-2-ns

Check the project now:

$ argocd proj get test-project
Name: test-project
Destinations: [https://kubernetes.default.svc,argo-test-ns](https://kubernetes.default.svc,argo-test-ns)

Try to create the app again:

$ argocd app create guestbook-2 — repo []( — path guestbook — dest-server [https://kubernetes.default.svc](https://kubernetes.default.svc) — dest-namespace argo-test-2-ns — project test-project
application ‘guestbook-2’ created

And now it’s working.

So, on our Dev Kubernetes cluster, we can set the destination as '*', as namespaces here are created dynamically - developers are deploying their branches to dedicated namespaces to have a multienvironment setup for the testing, but on our production cluster, we can set a hard limit on allowed namespaces.

Projects and roles

Global roles

Access to projects can be set globally via the argocd-rbac-cm ConfigMap, or locally per a project.

Let’s go back to our global role:test-role, and add a policy to allow access to applications from the test-project only, and in the policy.default disabled the read-only access by setting the role: '':

  policy.csv: |
    p, role:test-role, clusters, create, *, allow
    p, role:test-role, applications, *, test-project/*, allow
    g, testuser, role:test-role
  policy.default: role:''

Switch to the testuser:

$ argocd context testuser@dev-1–
Switched to context ‘testuser@dev-1–18.argocd.example.comd’

Check available applications:

$ argocd app list
guestbook [https://kubernetes.default.svc](https://kubernetes.default.svc) argo-test-ns test-project OutOfSync Missing <none> <none> []( helm-guestbook HEAD

The only one here, as we’ve set in the policy.

Project roles and authentication tokens

Another way is to create a dedicated role for a project. Then, you’ll be able to create a token for this role for a common user.

Create the test-role in the test-project Project:

$ argocd proj role create test-project test-role

Add a policy — any actions on the _guestbo_ok application:

$ argocd proj role add-policy test-project test-role — action '*' --permission allow --object guestbook

The policy will be added to RBAC rules on the project:

$ kubectl -n dev-1–18-devops-argocd-ns get appproject test-project -o jsonpath=’{.spec.roles[].policies}’
[p, proj:test-project:test-role, applications, *, test-project/guestbook, allow]

Get a token:

$ argocd proj role create-token test-project test-role

Or set it to a variable:

$ token=$(argocd proj role create-token test-project test-role)

Ans check permissions using the token, for example, to sync an application:

$ argocd account can-i sync applications test-project/guestbook --auth-token $token

Okay, this is working.

But you can’t add a cluster using the token of this role, as we didn’t set it in its policies:

$ argocd account can-i create clusters '*' --auth-token $token

Still, your test user is able to do it as it has the permissions set in the argocd-rbac-cm with its policy of the test-role - p, role:test-role, clusters, create, *, allow:

$ argocd account can-i create projects '*'

ArgoCD groups

With RBAC rules you can group roles to groups, but now users, for example:

  policy.csv: |
    g, argocd-admins, role:admin

Later, using SSO, we will map user groups to ArgoCD roles.

Putting all together

Okay, now we are familiar with the user management in ArgoCD, so let’s plan how we can use it.

What do we have?

Two teams — the Web, and Backend.

Every team has its own set of applications.

From the global user, we could create a root user for the DevOps team with full access, and an admin and read-only user bound to a project.

In a Project, we could specify a role that will be used in Github Actions/Jenkins pipelines by using its token.

Later, we will configure Okta and SSO, so users will log in to the ArgoCD Web UI by using their Okta’s credentials and their Okta groups, so a Backend team in Okta will have access to the Backend Project in ArgoCD, and the Web team from Okta will have access to the Web project in the ArgoCD.

For now, that’s all.

In the following post, we will configure Okta and ArgoCD, see the ArgoCD: Okta integration, and user groups post.

Originally published at RTFM: Linux, DevOps, and system administration.